Tubelite Inc. Submittal Letter –

Can a head receptor be used with curtainwall?

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  • RE: Can a head receptor be used with curtain wall?

    To all concerned,

    Head receptors may be used with curtain wall, but it is done for cosmetic purposes only and is considered unnecessary. The design of curtain wall does not allow for loading to be carried through a snap on cover, nor can it carried through a head receptor. Standard anchoring is still required. When a head receptor is used, additional coping of the receptor is needed around the mullion anchors (using either F, T, or standard head and sill anchors). There are often easier, cleaner ways to achieve the same objective. Sealing conditions also should be reviewed.

    Best regards,

    Gerard Schoeb
    Structural and Application Engineering Supervisor
    (616) 808-2531 Direct /

    Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is intended only to address generic conditions or situations and does not apply to every installation or environment. Site-specific conditions may affect the content of this document and should be addressed on a case-by-case basis. If you have questions regarding a particular product use, application, or installation, please contact Tubelite for more specific information. Nothing in this document is intended or shall be construed as a waiver or modification of Tubelite’s Terms and Conditions of Sale or the terms of any Tubelite warranty.

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