Therml=Block Entrances

Providing condensation resistance
even in extreme cold weather

Therml=Block Entrances

Providing condensation resistance even in extreme cold weather

Therml=Block Entrances

Providing condensation resistance even in extreme cold weather

A break from high energy costs!

Tubelite Thermal Entrances use Therml=Block technology to provide superior insulation through increased aluminum separation and air space while also increasing strength and reducing stress.

Tubelite Therml=Block Entrances are designed using the same durable components as our Standard Entrances for outstanding craftsmanship and strength, with the additional benefit of strut thermal barriers for enhanced thermal performance. Door stiles are available in Narrow Stile, 2-1/2″, Medium Stile 4″ and Wide Stile 5″ models; top rails in 4″ and 5″ heights; and bottom in 10″ height for ADA compliance. Snap-in thermally broken vertical frame closures easily accommodate addition of sidelites and incorporation with thermal storefront framing.

Therml=Block Entrances are furnished with mortised butt hinges, offset pivots or continuous hinges as specified. Standard deadbolt locks, and concealed vertical rod or rim panic exit devices also may be selected. Standard pull handles have been designed for ADA access and have matching push bars. Our doors come with newly designed “blade” style glass stops as well as built in glass jacks, which aid in squaring up the doors in relation to the frames.

Durable Tie-Rod Construction
The strength and flexibility of steel tie-rod construction is what holds it all together and makes our doors endure. Tie-rod assembly is as durable as welded corner construction, but superior in many ways. Monumental doors can be modified, disassembled or resized right in the field. No other door offers you this much strength and flexibility.

A break from high energy costs!

Tubelite Thermal Entrances use Therml=Block technology to provide superior insulation through increased aluminum separation and air space while also increasing strength and reducing stress.

Tubelite Therml=Block Entrances are designed using the same durable components as our Standard Entrances for outstanding craftsmanship and strength, with the additional benefit of strut thermal barriers for enhanced thermal performance. Door stiles are available in Narrow Stile, 2-1/2″, Medium Stile 4″ and Wide Stile 5″ models; top rails in 4″ and 5″ heights; and bottom in 10″ height for ADA compliance. Snap-in thermally broken vertical frame closures easily accommodate addition of sidelites and incorporation with thermal storefront framing.

Therml=Block Entrances are furnished with mortised butt hinges, offset pivots or continuous hinges as specified. Standard deadbolt locks, and concealed vertical rod or rim panic exit devices also may be selected. Standard pull handles have been designed for ADA access and have matching push bars. Our doors come with newly designed “blade” style glass stops as well as built in glass jacks, which aid in squaring up the doors in relation to the frames.

Durable Tie-Rod Construction
The strength and flexibility of steel tie-rod construction is what holds it all together and makes our doors endure. Tie-rod assembly is as durable as welded corner construction, but superior in many ways. Monumental doors can be modified, disassembled or resized right in the field. No other door offers you this much strength and flexibility.


Choice One, Newaygo
Newaygo, MI

Therml=Block Entrance Series Product Specifications
Application: Thermally broken door with insulating glass for enhanced thermal performance
Description: Thermally broken vertical stiles and horizontal rails for energy savings and ADA compliance
Glass Air
Structural U-Factor**
1″ std 1.0 CFM/Ft.2 @ 1.57 PSF 30 PSF Design
45 PSF Overload
Narrow: 0.54 Overall: 55
Therml=Block Thermal Entrances Specifications
Application: Thermally broken door with insulating glass for enhanced thermal performance
Description: Thermally broken vertical stiles and horizontal rails for energy savings and ADA compliance
Glass: 1″ std
Air Infiltration: 1.0 CFM/Ft.2 @ 1.57 PSF
Structural: 30 PSF Design
45 PSF Overload
U-Factor: ** Narrow: 0.54
CRF: Overall: 55

** U-Factor per NFRC 100: COG = 0.24 with warm edge spacer, 1-3/4” x 4-1/2” non-thermal frame.

Therml=Block Entrance Series Narrow Medium Wide
Application Projects requiring high thermal performance
Traffic Light to heavy
Vertical Stile 1-3/4” x 2-1/2″ 4″ 5″
Top Rail 1-3/4” x 2-1/2″ 4″ 5″
Bottom Rail 1-3/4” x 10″ 10″ 10″
Maximum Sizes* Single: 4’0” x 9’ 0”
Pair: 8’0” x 9’ 0”
Single: 4’0” x 9’ 0”
Pair: 8’0” x 9’ 0”
Single: 4’0” x 9’ 0”
Pair: 8’0” x 9’ 0”

*available up to 10′ with engineering review

Guide Specification
Perimeter Sheet – DWG / PDF
Narrow Stile    |   
Medium Stile    |   
Wide Stile    |   
BIM Models Coming Soon!
Maximum Sizes Coming Soon!
Design Manual
Installation Instructions
Safety Data Sheets – SDS
Sample Warranty